Sabado, Marso 1, 2014

Blogpost #3: Love at first sight

Love at first sight is it true love? or just false ideas? Most people who fall in love at the first sight sometimes think that "she's the one." or "he's my soul mate." 

I read an article entitled, "Love at first sight may have a biological basis" by Laura Schwecherl. According to this article, men tend to experience love at first sight than women does. Also, people can be more prone to love at first sight when they're younger.

"But it's unclear how often love at first sight turns into a successful partnership." Says Schwecherl. It's unclear for me, because you can't fall in love with someone you just saw. Maybe just a crush or he or she just caught you attention or maybe just because of his or her looks you'll notice her. I also think that love at  first sight is just an expression used because you saw a handsome guy or a beautiful lady then later on you'll forget that you are attracted to someone.

In another article entitled, "Is There Love at First Sight?" by Elliot D. Cohen, Ph. D. It is said that we really can't reason out that we could be in love with just a sight of the person without knowing them. Now, the idea of love at first acquaintance, this is where after the first meeting, you passionately, madly, and enthusiastically say to yourself that she is the one, she is the one whom I want to spend the rest of my life.

''in some cases, when we get to know others whom we admire from a distance, we may even come to regard them as downright repulsive." I really do agree with the 'love at first acquaintance' how would you like someone if you don't know his or her personality. What if you are admiring someone from a far and then you get to know him or her. The bad thing is he or she has no manners and this turned you off? Would you still call it 'love at first sight'? For me falling in love with a person is when you've been with him or her. Maybe, on a date. You'll know his or her personality through this and you'll already know for yourself if she is the one you want to be with.

Love at first sight or Love at first acquaintance. Either way, you will still get to know the person that got your attention. Well, of course you'll have to approach her. Do what you have to do! Don't be nervous, go on a date and get to know her.

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