Huwebes, Pebrero 27, 2014

Blogpost #2: Unrequited Love

There's a boy. And there's a girl. The boy is in love with the girl and the girl, however doesn't feel the same way. What do we get? Unrequited love or one-sided love may be the saddest thing about humanity. As humans we lack the capacity to give and receive love when it's right in front of us.
I found an article, "Pain of Unrequited Love Afflicts the Rejecter, Too." There are two sides of unrequited love, first would be "the would - be lover" and "the rejecter" both sides shows pain surprisingly, the rejecter often suffers just as much as the rejected. Why? For me it's a risk to take so that you can tell your feelings to the person you like or love. Risks that cannot be undone, like risking your friendship for you to tell what you feel about him/her and You feel guilty because you'll hurt his/her feelings.

"We rarely hear about the agony of those who are the target of an unwanted love," according to Dr. Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Case Western Reserve University. I agree with Baumeister. The rejector will always feel bad for the pursuer because she dumped him. She doesn't know how to say 'No' to the pursuer without hurting his feelings, she will always feel guilty because of that.

 In another article entitled "Unrequited Love: Crushin' On or Crushed By You?" by Dr. Helen Lee Lin. It was said that admitting romantic feelings would change things between the pursuer and the rejector. Researchers made a study on who had either rejected a friend romantically (rejectors) or who had been rejected by a friend (pursuer). The study showed that the long-term friendship would still be friends after one confessed to him or her, the short-term relationships ended their friendship after an unrequited confession.

"possibility of losing a good friendship, the sting of rejection may be more acute when coming from someone close to us." says Dr.Helen. When you are confessing to a friend that you like him or her, You should always think that you are taking your friendship at risk. Well, if he or she feels the same way about you, good for you! but, if he or she doesn't feel the same way. Always think that someone is there for you. And I think that you should still continue your friendship.

Don't stress yourself just because you've been rejected, enjoy your life. You'll still meet other people besides him or her/ For now, be a better person for yourself. Take care of yourself, and Love yourself, then you'll meet the person that you deserve in the near future.

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