Huwebes, Pebrero 27, 2014

Blogpost #1: Long distance relationship

Some people say that Long Distance Relationships (better known as LDRs) never work. Some say it does. They say that it never work because of the distance between them. Others say they can still make it work even though distance keeps them apart. They say, "What's the use of Skype?," "We can still text and call each other even if we're far away from each other." Does long-distance relationships' really going to work?

I've read this article about the The evolution of long distance relationships by Caroline Tiger. It shows here how people back in the prehistoric times communicate with their partners. There is "The Homing Couple" here. In Ancient Greece, they use homing pigeons to send letters to their partners if they're far away from each other. "The Postal Couple", The very first postal service is developed in China around 900 B.C., giving couples everywhere a way to communicate but response takes time. The latest are the, "The Social Networking Couples," " The Text-Crazy Couples," "The Multimedia Couples," and many more. The way of communication on the said couples are the latest technology today, like Laptops, Tablets and Smart phones.
Dr. Crystal Jiang and Dr. Jeffrey Hancock wanted to prove the positive side of long-distance relationships. They asked those who were in a long-distance and geographically close relationships to report their daily interactions for a week. They had to report on how much they shared about themselves, and how intimate they are.

 “One strategy is to maintain constant communication, such as video chat, texting, instant messaging and letters," Jiang said. You shouldn't miss a day not talking to your partner. As much as possible send him/her texts, video chats or letters. So even though you're far away, you can still keep in touch with each other with the help of today's technology.

I read an article entitled Long-Distance Relationships Are Not So Bad... Now. In this article it is indicated here that long-distance relationships can really work thanks to the technology around us. From writing letters that would take months to be received to Live chatting through skype or facebook. 

Nicholas Ferroni states that, "Technology really made long-distance relationships more tolerable and possible." Today we're in the modern era, we could communicate with our partners through text, calls, facebook, twitter, skype and many more. We really don't have any reason not to keep in touch with our partners. But what if we don't have this things today? It might take two months to receive a response from your initial letter or It might not even reach the destination of the letter that you sent.

Long Distance Relationships can still work, thanks to today's technology. As they've said, "Communication is the Key!" It's already bad enough that you're apart so use the resources around you to keep in touch with each other. And remember that the distance isn't forever. You fell in love with your partner in the first place and remember all those good times that you've spent together.

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