Linggo, Marso 2, 2014

Blogpost #8: First Heartbreak

The night after Junior-Senior Prom, My mom found out that I already have a boyfriend. So mom was mad at me because of that, what she did was she made me break up with him. After I said that, I realized that I still wanted him in my life but I was too late. He had already given up on us. I tried and tried to talk to him but he always refused. I felt like my world was falling apart. My First Heartbreak.

I read an article entitled, "The Science Behind Heartbreak" by Ashley Cox.  It is said in this article that the depression caused by a heartbreak could prevent us from experience life to the fullest. According to Alex Zautra, a professor of psychology at Arizona State University, "Pain is the way mind responds to trouble inside the body." Stages of heartbreak follows a similar pattern of the stages of death. First, Shock and Denial, You may deny the reality of the situation. Second, Pain and Guilt, Regret for things that you have done wrong. Third, Anger and Bargaining, You'll release al lthe unspoken emotion. This stage is where the questions, "why why why?!" comes on. Fourth, Depression, Reflection and Loneliness, This is the situation where you accept and finally realized the weight of your loss. Lastly, Acceptance and an Upward Turn. Your feelings of depression will slightly be lifted, and you'll accept the things that had happened and the ability to move on occurs.

"Although most pain heartbreak is not that severe, it still has a profound effect on daily living." Even though things are over between the two of you. It may be not that hard for you or it is hard for you there will always be have an effect on you.  Tears will be flooding, You won't be able to sleep because you are thinking of what could have happened in the future if the both of you are still together.

I've read another article entitled, "Heartbreak Puts the Brakes on Your Heart" By Divya Memon. It is stated here that the process physical and social pain in some of the same regions. They made a study, they asked volunteers to send a photograph of themselves, then they asked students from another university to look at the photos of the volunteers to decide whether they like them or not. The student from the other university has wires placed on their chests for an electrocardiogram, the student looked at the unfamiliar faces from the volunteers. The student was asked to guess if that volunteer liked him/her. After that they were told whether the person actually "liked" them or not. Each participant's heart rate fell in anticipation before they found out the person's supposed opinion of them. Their heart rate was affected and dropped further and was slowing down when it came back up to its usual rate. It was said that the study shows the experiment, what they called " social rejected" could really feel "heartbreaking."

"Social rejection isn't just emotionally upsetting; it also upsets your heart." Says Memon. It really is heartbreaking and sad to know you were rejected by someone. No one wants to be rejected, right? But because of social rejection many people are having a hard time lifting up their self esteem.

We all now it's hard to get over our first love. Everyone will experience this kind of heartbreak. But let me tell you that this isn't the end of it. Accept that it's over, remove everything that reminds you of him or her. Do something that will make your everyday life back to normal.

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