Linggo, Marso 2, 2014

Blogpost #5: Puppy love

What is Puppy love? Does it have something to do with puppies? Well, no. Puppy love is the term used for your first crush or your some what called love in your teenage years. It has nothing to do with real love, which is a much deeper feeling towards the opposite sex. During our younger years, we experience puppy love. Which we think is 'real love', but really, its just infatuation.

I've read an article entitled, "Is it just puppy love?" by Ann Naragon. Puppy love is what parents call if their little girl that is now a teenager is having a crush on someone, and parents want to be on track on how their little girl is doing. Parents get strict saying, "You can only date someone whom I approve of and only after I have completed a full background check!" Through this parents can monitor their daughter's sexual activity.

"Giving teens some independence while simultaneously teaching morals and values to help adolescents make sound decisions down the road, seems like a trepidatious balancing act, which should only be attempted by a seasoned acrobat." Says Naragon. I agree with this statement. Well, of not just because I'm also a teen but you should really let your children to be independent. I mean it's not always that they'll need to consult you on their decisions. They're already teenagers learn to let them go, but you should always be by their sides to guide them.

In another article, "Teenagers in Love" by Nancy Kalish. It is said that, adults refer that the romantic bonds that are not taken seriously are called "Puppy love." Parents are questioning the ability of teenagers to know what love is, still they accept the statements of their children, "I love you Mom & Dad." Before, teenagers marry their first sweethearts right after high school. In a survey of 1600 people who had never tried to have a reunion with a lost love, ages 18 to 92, 56% of the participants says that they would not want to get back together with their first loves, 19% were not sure yet 25% still said they would!

"If adults accept that teenagers can love parents truly, then shouldn't they also accept teen romances are 'real' love?"  Says Kalish. I also agree with this. Why do adults think that we teenagers doesn't know love? Of course we know what love is. All of us do.

Puppy love is what they call it. It is important that we someone by our side. Ones that we are close to and someone who we trust. We teenagers need love more than anyone. Where else can we find love the love that we need? Love that is lacking from us? Of course, Someone that is going through the same events in our lives.

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