Linggo, Marso 2, 2014

Blogpost #4: First love

First love, the one that you first truly have feelings for. The person who is always and will be the first person you truly fell in love with. Your first love will be one who will be the hardest to get over, the one who can make you smile without any reason. The one that you'll never forget even though everything is over between the two of you.

I read an article entitled, "The Power of First Loves" by Wendy Atterberry. On her article it says that when we experience something, like one that reminds us of our first love, dopamine and norepinephrine are chemicals from our brain that are released if we experience our "firsts". These chemicals are freed and the memories tat we have from that relationship is triggered. She also said that we can even assign the new person with the characteristics of our exes. It's called "Transference." Not only the characteristics, even your old feelings, motivations and expectations are revived.

"Many people really don't truly get over their first loves." Says Atterberry. We really don't get over them. Even though years have passed we could still remember the moments that we are with them. They made a huge impact on us because they were the one where we had our "firsts" and because they are our first love.

In another article entitled, "Adolescents in love: What makes a first love special?" By Brandon Warren. It said here that, compared looking at photographs of a friend, looking photos of your loved one generate activation in processing regions in the brain. These areas are similar to those found active under the influence of cocaine.

"The first experience of passionate love can be overwhelming and quickly turn into the most important thing in a teenager's life." Says Warren. I agree with this statement, because everyone experience having their first love and this is one of the most unforgettable moments in our life.

When we fall in love the second and third time, these feeling are more familiar, easier to control, and will be a result of less overwhelming experience. Never forget your first love. We experienced how to love through them, we experienced our "firsts" with them.

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